Overnight Delivery Service

For many years we have been using either FedEx or UPS Next Day Service, ignoring the US Postal Service Express Mail. Recently we took another look at Express Mail and we were surprised at the competitive rates offered, typically less than either UPS or FedEx. Express Mails strong point is that there is no Fuel Surcharge and no Dimension Weight rating. The fuel surcharge for both FedEx and UPS change [...]

By |2011-07-27T12:13:48+00:00July 27th, 2011|Categories: Fulfillment Services, Shipping|0 Comments

Rotating Postal Strike in Canada

I'm getting weary of writing about the Canadian Postal Service but it is affecting companies in the US,  so we have to keep an eye on it. The Canadian Postal workers union is now doing rotating strikes, where workers strike for 24 hours at a time rotating from city to city. The problem for the postal workers is that Canadians have cut back in using the postal service and now [...]

By |2011-06-08T15:16:24+00:00June 8th, 2011|Categories: Fulfillment Services, Shipping|0 Comments

Fuel Surcharge continues to rise

With the Canadian Postal strike most likely starting Thursday, June 2nd and with the rising Fuel Surcharge it will be significantly more expensive to ship packages to our neighbors up north. UPS has announced an increase in the Fuel Surcharge on June 6th for ground shipments to 9.5% and Air shipments to 16%, FedEx will match the 9.5% for ground but increases air shipment fuel surcharge to 16.5%. Unfortunately you [...]

By |2011-06-01T07:07:55+00:00June 1st, 2011|Categories: Fulfillment Services, Shipping|0 Comments

Canadian Postal Workers vote to strike

Now is the time to make provisions for alternate shipping carrier into Canada. The Canadian Union of Postal Workers (CUPW) gave a 72-hour strike notice yesterday, which will begin at 11:59 EDT on Thursday, June 2 if the Canada Post does not submit to certain provisions demanded by the CUPW. This type of notice is legally required of an intention to strike. According to Post & Parcel, the 48,000 CUPW [...]

By |2011-06-01T06:43:25+00:00June 1st, 2011|Categories: Fulfillment Services, Shipping|0 Comments

Canadian Mail deliveries may stop on Monday

I don't want to be an alarmist but if you have not made provision for an alternate shipping method for orders going to Canada, this may be a good time. Talks continue between Canada Post and postal workers, but a disruption in service is looking more possible with each passing day. If there's a strike or lockout, delivery could stop as early as Monday.

By |2011-05-25T21:05:11+00:00May 25th, 2011|Categories: Fulfillment Services, Shipping|0 Comments

Canada Post Strike still uncertain

The union says it's now up to Canada Post to decide if there will be a postal strike. Craig Dyer, from the Canadian Union of Postal Workers, says the union responded to Canada Post's final offer with a proposal of its own on Sunday. He says the corporation wants entry-level employees to be paid 22 per cent less than they are under the current structure. Dyer said they may have an [...]

By |2011-05-25T07:23:42+00:00May 25th, 2011|Categories: Fulfillment Services, Shipping|0 Comments

Canada Post Strike Looms

Canada Post and the Canadian Postal Workers Union (CUPW) have not agreed on a new four years contract and there is still the possibility of a Postal strike in the near future. May 25th is the first date that the Postal Union could legally strike but before they do, they have to provide a 72 hour notice of intend to strike. That notice has not been given as of Noon [...]

By |2011-05-23T12:35:22+00:00May 23rd, 2011|Categories: Fulfillment Services, Shipping|0 Comments